Hey there, are you struggling to come up with the perfect caption for your Instagram posts? As a social media expert at Gromasa, I totally understand the pain of trying to find the right words to engage your audience. It can be frustrating and time-consuming, but don’t worry – I have a solution for you! In this blog post, I’ve curated 166 good quotes specifically for guys that will not only motivate and inspire your followers but also help boost engagement on your posts. So grab a pen and get ready to save this page because you’re going to want to refer back to it often. Don’t forget to share these awesome quotes with your friends too!
Best Good Quotes For Guys Instagram
1. Be the best version of yourself, not for anyone else but for you. #selfimprovement #motivation – Unknown
2. Real men don’t just talk about their dreams, they chase them down and make them a reality. #dreambig #determination – Unknown
3. Strong guys lift others up, not put them down. Let’s build each other up instead of tearing each other apart. #supporteachother #positivity – Unknown
4. A gentleman is defined by his actions, not his words. #gentlemanquotes – Unknown
5. Good guys finish first when they run their own race at their own pace. ♂️ #staytrue #successmindset – Unknown
6. Strength isn’t just physical; it’s also mental and emotional resilience in the face of adversity. ❤️#innerstrengthsquad – Unknown
7. It’s cool to be kind. ” ❤️#bekindalways –Unknown
8. Positive vibes only. ” ✨ #goodvibesonly –Unknown
9. Being a true man means having the courage to show vulnerability. ” ⚔️ #realmenhavefeelingstoo –Unknown
10. In a world where you can be anything, be kind. ” ❤️#spreadloveandkindness –Unknown
Cool Good Quotes For Guys Instagram
1. Be a warrior, not a worrier. #motivation #inspiration
2. Success is not given, it is earned. #success #hardwork
3. Dream big and dare to fail. ✨ #dreambig #nofear
4. The biggest risk in life is not taking any risks at all. #risktaker #adventure
5. Your vibe attracts your tribe. #positivity #goodvibesonly
6. Chase your dreams with fierce determination. #determined #goalgetter
7. Strength does not come from physical capacity, it comes from an indomitable will. – Mahatma Gandhi #strengthquotes
8. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. ” – Charles R Swindoll #perspective
9. Believe you can and you’re halfway there. ” – Theodore Roosevelt ✊#believeinyourself
10. Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. keep going. ” – Sam Levenson ⏰ ♂️ #advicefromclocks
11. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. ” – Albert Einstein ️✨#opportunityawaits
12. The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible. ”– Charles Kingsleigh ☀️ ✨⭐️#believeandachieve
13. Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall down. ”- Oliver Goldsmith #nevergiveup
14. Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny” – C. S Lewis ♂️ ✨
15. Always be yourself; everyone else is already taken” – Oscar Wilde ❤️☝️☀
16Life changes very quickly, in a very positive way if you let it,” ― Lindsey Vonn
17I am thankful for my struggle because without it I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength,” ― Alex Elle
18Because when I read, I don’t really read; I pop a beautiful sentence or word bubble into my mouth and suck on it like a fruit drop, or sip on it like a liqueur until the thought dissolves in me like alcohol, infusing brain and heart and coursing on through the veins to the root of each blood vessel,”
19I could never resist the call of the trail,”― Buffalo Bill
20The happiness derived from solitude should be valued higher than that which arises from society,” — Seneca
Short Good Quotes For Guys Instagram
1. Be the man you would want your daughter to bring home. #gentleman #quoteoftheday #unknown
2. Real men don’t hide their emotions, they embrace them. #realmen #emotionsmatter #authorunknown
3. A gentleman is not defined by the content of his wallet but the contents of his character. #gentlemanquotes #charactermatters #unknownauthor
4. Strength isn’t just physical, it’s also about having a strong heart and mind. #strengthquotes #mindovermatter
5. Being a good man means standing up for what is right, even when it’s unpopular. #standtall#greatguys
6. Kindness is never wasted, especially coming from a strong man. #kindnessisstrength#beagentleman
7. It takes a lot to be able to stand up there and do that – and all on live TV too” – Unknown #strongmenstandup#courageousguy
8. Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results. ” – Willie Nelson #positivethinkingonly#greatguyattitude
9. A true gentleman doesn’t need to run around acting tough; he’s tough enough to stay gentle in times of hardship. ” ♂️#staystronggentlemen#wisdominthegentleness
10. You can tell the greatness of someone by what makes them angry. ”- Charles Bukowski #angerindicatespassion#greatmentransformitintochange
11. It’s not about being perfect It’s about effort And when you bring that effort every single day That’s where transformation happens That’s how change occurs” – Jillian Michaels #effortiseverythingintheend#greatguysalwaysputiteffort
12. There are two ways of spreading light: To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. ”– Edith Wharton✨ 13. #spreadlighttogoodpeopletoo⚜️-edithwharton
14. The only way out Is through”- Robert Frost ️15. #theonlywayoutisthroughitmaybeslowbutworthittorunthrough-robertfrost
16. We generate fears while we sit We overcome them by action Fear is nature’s way of warning us To get busy – Dr. Henry Link⚡17. #actionovercomesfearinstinctwarningus-doctorhenrylink
18. Sometimes we’re tested Not to show our weaknesses But to discover our strengths – Unknown✊19. #testedtonotshowweaknessesdiscover-strengths-unuknown
20. Success consists of going from failure without loss enthusiasm. – Winston Churchill❗21. #successtalesgoingfailurewithoutlossingenthusiasm-winstonchurchill
1. Strength #strongmen #authorunknown
2. Resilience #riseandgrind #authorunknown
3. Courage ⚔️ #bebrave #authorunknown
4. Ambition #goalsaf #authorunknown
5. Determination #nevergiveup #authorunknown
6. Focus #stayfocused #authorunknown
7. Confidence #selfassured – author unknown
8. Integrity #honestyisthebestpolicy – author unknown
9. Success #achievegreatness – author unknown
10. Honor ✨#nobledemeanor – author unknown
11. Wisdom #smartchoices – author unknown
12. Kindness ❤️#showcompassion – author unknown
13. Creativity – Author Unknown
14. Passion – Author Unknown
15. Grit☄️- Author Unknown
16. Character ☝ -Author Unknown
17. Empathy -Author Unknown
18. Perseverance – Author Unkown
19. Discipline✍️-Author Unkown
20. Patience⏳– Author Unkown
Simple Good Quotes For Guys Instagram
1. A gentleman is simply a patient wolf. #gentleman #quoteoftheday
2. Real men wear their scars with pride. #realmen #strength
3. Charm is a man’s way of getting the answer ‘yes’ without asking a clear question. – Albert Camus #charming
4. The best accessory a guy can wear is his confidence. #confidenceiskey
5. Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you. #selfrespect
6. Kindness is not a weakness, it’s strength under control. #kindnessmatters
7. A real man doesn’t have to prove himself; his actions do it for him. #actionspeakslouder
8. Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn. – Orson Welles #styleicon
9. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self. #nobility
10. A well-tailored suit is the best revenge. – Tom Ford #suitandtie
11. Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. ” – Andre Gide ⚓️ #couragequotes
12. Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. ” ️✨#keepgoing
13. Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. ” #passionquotes
14. In every day, there are 1,440 minutes; that means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact. ” ✨ #positivityiskey
15. Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you. ” . . .
16. Don’t watch the clock; do what it does: Keep going. – Sam Levenson ⏰⏩
17. Wake up with determination; go to bed with satisfaction ☀️
18. Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth
19. Success isn’t given It’s earned On The Track On The Field In The Gym With Blood Sweat And Occasion Tears- Unknown
20. Don’t be afraid just be aware- Madonna
Aesthetic Good Quotes For Guys Instagram
1. A gentleman is simply a patient wolf. #gentleman #quoteoftheday
2. Real men wear their scars with pride. #realmen #strength
3. Charm is a man’s way of getting the answer ‘yes’ without asking a clear question. – Albert Camus #charming
4. The best accessory a guy can wear is his confidence. #confidenceiskey
5. Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you. #selfrespect
6. Kindness is not a weakness, it’s strength under control. #kindnessmatters
7. A real man doesn’t have to prove himself; his actions do it for him. #actionspeakslouder
8. Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn. – Orson Welles #styleicon
9. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self. #nobility
10. A well-tailored suit is the best revenge. – Tom Ford #suitandtie
11. Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. ” – Andre Gide ⚓️ #couragequotes
12. Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. ” ️✨#keepgoing
13. Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. ” #passionquotes
14. In every day, there are 1,440 minutes; that means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact. ” ✨ #positivityiskey
15. Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you. ” . . .
16. Don’t watch the clock; do what it does: Keep going. – Sam Levenson ⏰⏩
17. Wake up with determination; go to bed with satisfaction ☀️
18. Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth
19. Success isn’t given It’s earned On The Track On The Field In The Gym With Blood Sweat And Occasion Tears- Unknown
20. Don’t be afraid just be aware- Madonna
Cute Good Quotes For Guys Instagram
1. Be the reason someone smiles today #goodvibesonly #spreadlove – Unknown
2. Real men are kind, respectful, and always stay true to themselves #gentlemen #beyourself – Unknown
3. A good guy never goes out of style #classyandkind #gentleman – Unknown
4. Chivalry isn’t dead, it’s just rare these days #oldfashionedvalues #keepitclassy – Unknown
5. Every girl deserves a guy who treats her like a queen #respectfulrelationships#treatyourladyright – Unknown
6. The best guys are the ones who know how to make you laugh #senseofhumorwinshearts – Unknown
7. Kindness is always in fashion, especially for gentlemen #bekindalways#stayclassy -Unknown
8. Good guys finish first when it comes to love and respect #loveandrespectalways-Unknown
9. A real man knows how to treat his lady right ❤️ #realgentleman-Unknown
10. There’s nothing sexier than a good heart with a dash of humor ❤️✨#heartandhumor-Unknown
Funny Good Quotes For Guys Instagram
1. I’m not lazy, I’m energy efficient #LazyButEfficient #FunnyQuotesForGuys
2. Real men wear pink. . and then eat a steak just to balance things out #PinkIsManlyToo #SteakAndSuits
3. My bed is my happy place. . until someone asks me to get up #BedIsBae #SleepyHead
4. I don’t always go the extra mile, but when I do it’s because I missed my exit ♂️ #LostButStillGoing
5. I may look like I’m deep in thought, but 99% of the time I’m just thinking about food #FoodieThoughts
Nice Good Quotes For Guys Instagram
1. Be the kind of man you’d want your daughter to bring home. #gentleman #quotesforguys
2. Real men know how to treat a woman with respect and love. ❤️ #gentleman #respectfulmen
3. A gentleman knows when to listen, when to speak, and when to act. #gentlemansway
4. Actions speak louder than words – show her you care through your deeds. #showyourlove
5. Strength is not just physical – it’s also in kindness and compassion. ❤️#kindnessiskey
6. Confidence is silent, insecurities are loud. #confidenceisking
7. Manners maketh man – always remember your please and thank yous. #mannersmatter
8. A true gentleman never belittles others; he lifts them up instead. #liftothersup
9. Success is measured by character, not possessions or achievements. #characterovereverything
10. Don’t be afraid of being different; be afraid of being the same as everyone else. ” ♂️ 11. Real men show emotions without fear. ” 12. The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary. ” ✨ 13. Your vibe attracts your tribe. ” ✌️ 14. Work hard in silence, let success make the noise. ” 15. It’s okay to be a glowstick – sometimes we have to break before we shine” ✨✊ 16. To change yourself you must change your mindset first”
Good Good Quotes For Guys Instagram
1. Real men empower women, not tear them down. #Empowerment #StrongMen #Unknown
2. A gentleman respects everyone, regardless of their gender. #RespectfulGentleman #ChivalryIsNotDead #Unknown
3. Masculinity is not defined by how many women you conquer, but by how you treat them. #RespectWomen #TrueManhood #Unknown
4. Strength lies in kindness and compassion, not in aggression and dominance. #KindnessIsStrength #CompassionateMen #Unknown
5. A man’s true character is shown through his actions towards others, especially women. #CharacterMatters#Unknown
6. Being a good guy means standing up for what’s right even when it’s tough. #StandUpForGoodness#Unknown
7. Real men lead with love and understanding, not with force and control. ❤️#LeadWithLove#Unknown
8. The measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. ” – Samuel Johnson #MeasureOfAMan#SamuelJohnson
Attitude Good Quotes For Guys Instagram
1. Stay positive, work hard, make it happen. #positivevibes #hardworkpaysoff
2. A gentleman never goes out of style. #gentleman #classy
3. Confidence is silent, insecurities are loud. #confidenceiskey
4. Real men empower women. #empowerment
5. Be the type of man you’d want your daughter to be with. #rolemodel
6. Success is not given, it’s earned. #earnit
7. Chase your dreams and never look back. ✨ #dreambig
8. Speak less, listen more; let your actions do the talking. ️#actionspeakslouder
9. Strong people don’t put others down, they lift them up.
10. Don’t limit yourself to someone else’s opinion of your capabilities. ” ― Dr Steve Maraboli
11. Winning isn’t everything but wanting to win is” – Vince Lombardi
12. You have brains in your head. You have feet in our shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. ”-Dr Seuss.
13. The best revenge is massive success. ” – Frank Sinatra
14. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop”– Confucius
15. No one ever injured their eyesight by looking on the bright side. ”
16. In matters of style swim with the current; In matters of principle stand like a rock. ”
17. Be a voice not an echo.
18. Good vibes only!
19. Never apologize for being who you are.
20. Dream big and believe in yourself!